Saturday, February 17, 2007

We Finally Find the CAMELS!!

We then drove into the desert in search of camels!!! The desert is amazing. I didn't realize that the desert sand was so colorful, from light beige to almost reddish brown in some places. The wind shapes the sand into great big dunes with a gentle slope on one side and a dangerous looking cliff on the other, little hills and valleys. Small little tufts of grass or small shrubs are growing here and there. There are many small fenced areas of trees that have been planted. We don't know whether these places are like tree farms or just for greenery to be interspersed with the seemingly unending sand. They were welcome sites though! But even more welcome were the camels we saw!! There were a number of them at one of the treed areas and a large herd in a fenced area out in the desert. Now, I have to say, seeing camels in their own environment, running free, was better even than I imagined! We drove to Les' job site. I've seen a lot of the places Les has worked - plants that he built - but never one that has been built in a big sandbox! Very interesting! But, even better than seeing where he's worked for the last year, was the huge herd of camels in the desert beside the plant. There were at least 30 of them grazing on the small tufts of grass. We drove very close to them to get some pictures and they weren't the least bit concerned about us. It was great!!!

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