Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In the Beginning!!!

On February 6, 2006, Les started his job as a Safety Manager with SNC Lavalin International Inc. at TAKREER - BeAAT Project - a Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility - near Al Ruwais, United Arab Emirates. Al Ruwais is 250 kilometres west of Abu Dhabi on the Persian Gulf.

On February 7, 2007, I am going to go to live with Les in the desert!!! We'll see how we manage that!! He has a cute, little bachelor apartment in the Seaman's Camp about 15 minutes away from his job site.

He's a bit apprehensive about how I will fill my days as he works 10 hours a day, 5 1/2 days a week. I'm not in the least bit worried - I'm looking forward to days of "guilt free lazing"! I'm going prepared with books, embroidery, portable DVD player and movies, and lots of lazy bones!! I gave Les a lap top computer for Christmas (ulterior motive???) and he has wireless internet in his apartment so...I'll be able check e-mail and stay in touch with all our family and friends. (Be sure to e-mail us at: lesandkarin@hotmail.com ) We are going to be exploring the Emirates a bit. There are a few small towns close to Al Ruwais that Les has told me about and I'm anxious to see them for myself. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are not too far away and we can spend some weekend time there as well. I'm also looking forward to meeting the people he's worked with this past year and to see how he lives when he's not here with us.

AND then...on February 20th we are "flying to Cairo"! We have booked a 12 day tour/cruise of Cairo and many historically filled places along the Nile River. We are both very excited about this trip and really can't believe it will be a reality. I have a feeling we will be overwhelmed with all we will see. But, we'll do our best to take it ALL in. Please check out our itinerary. We return to the Emirates on March 3rd and we'll have lots of pictures and many fabulous stories to add to this site.

From March 3rd to mid-April Les will be back slaving away while I laze and live the good life. Les' job at the BeAAT Project is slated to be finished in mid-April and I will (hopefully) stay until then and return to Canada with him. If the job isn't finished it will be time for his 2 weeks off anyway and we will still return at that time.

So, watch this site for more "Exciting Adventures With Les and Karin". We hope to keep you informed and entertained!

And, as I do everyday...I thank God and Les for my retirement and the opportunity to experience a totally different culture!

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